Dual Language

Starting in the 2011-2012 school year, Spring Lake piloted a Dual Language immersion program in first grade. The program expanded to the following grades each year with Kindergarten being added in the 2012-2013 school year. Spring Lake currently has Dual Language classrooms in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. The program goal is to develop and maintain grade-level language proficiency in English and Spanish, was well as academic achievement in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies for English Language Learners. The instructional program is a 60/40 model, meaning approximately 60% of the instruction will be in English and 40% of the instruction will be in the target language (Spanish). The goal of the program population will be half English-dominant and half Spanish-dominant.

How do you get to participate in the Dual Language program at Spring Lake? Applications are available through the school office.

Why Has Spring Lake Chosen To Provide A Dual Lanaguage Program?

Spring Lake Elementary School was selected to be the first elementary school to offer the Dual Language Program because of the ability to create well balanced classrooms, the willingness of a group of interested and informed parents to participate and the enthusiasm of qualified teachers prepared to pilot this research- based program. After extensive training, preparation and planning the implementation began and has been growing and improving ever since.

A multitude of research has been conducted to measure the success of dual language programs. Collier and Thomas (2004) found that all 700,000 ELLs that participated in a 50-50 dual language program made learning gains in their first language (L1) as well as the acquired language (L2). Similarly, cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto (2002) conducted extensive research regarding cognitive development of children who are exposed to two languages. Petitto (2002) found that young children who have rich and early exposure to two languages are cognitively more advanced than their monolingual peers on certain highly sophisticated cognitive tasks to do with attention and abstract reasoning.

What Are The Advantages Of Participating In The Dual Language Program?

The program immerses students in language which helps them to develop higher order thinking skills. Language is all about meaning and communication, and dual language builds a rich foundation. It develops grade-level language proficiency for English and Spanish speakers, as well as accelerates academic achievement in reading, mathematics, science and social studies for English Language Learners. Cooperation and teamwork are also fostered. These objectives are all in line with our school mission of: "Facilitating a positive environment where every person experiences success and develops necessary tools to be a productive and responsible citizen in our global society."

The Dual Language Program at Spring Lake Elementary School may appeal to your child's interests more than the broad-based general education classroom. Each school and classroom within Seminole County Public Schools has its own advantages and must be measured by your family's particular needs and goals however, the Dual Language option may offer the type of academic challenges that may be right for your child.

How Do I Know If Dual Language Is Right For My Child?

The Dual Language option offers a different focus that is academically challenging, fast paced, collaborative and cross-curricular. Participation requires student organization and flexibility, as well as family commitment and participation, and there are high standards for academics. Many children thrive in this type of environment and look forward to the different opportunities and challenges. You and your family are in the best position to decide if this kind of environment and challenge fits your child's needs, abilities and personality.

How Do You Get To Participate In The Dual Language Program At Spring Lake?

The Dual Language Program is offered to students in the Spring Lake attendance zone in Grades K-5. Student enrollment is based on an application process. Once the classes in each grade level are filled to capacity, applications will be added to a waiting list. Applications are available by attending one of the information sessions, and through the school office.

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